Part A : ~ 起 ~
這幾年 藝術 與設計 、地方創生、 各式各樣的文化創造 在全台各地蓬勃發展 , 從北到南 ,從東岸到西岸 ,從科技產業 到 傳統產業 , 風起雲湧 , 這一股 浪潮 ~ 猶如呢 ~ 台灣 島嶼 正在進行中的一場 Tai - 文藝復興 運動 ~ ^^ ~
In recent years, art and design, local creation, and various cultural creations have been booming all over Taiwan. From north to south, from the east coast to the west coast, from technology industries to traditional industries, this wave is like There is a Tai-Renaissance movement underway on the island of Taiwan,
許多的三合院 老建築、 老街 傳統產業 工廠等 , 被人們 運用 設計 藝術 各種工藝 等創意與 巧思 重新賦予新生命 、注入新活力 ,而 這也是 小可 這幾年喜歡去各地旅遊 探尋 的主軸, 像是在2018年去 竹南的 蘆竹南三合院建築群 聚落 ,
Many old buildings in Sanheyuan and traditional industrial factories in old streets have been given new life and vitality by people using creativity and ingenuity such as design, art and various crafts. This is also the main focus of Micahel ( me ^^) ’ s love of traveling to explore the various places in recent years. For example, I went to the Luzhunan Sanhuan Building Complex in Zhunan in 2018.
近一兩年 穿梭 在苗栗的山林裡 ,找尋 文創咖啡廳 、特色三合院 、貨櫃建築 構成的 文創 藝術空間 庭園咖啡 ,還有 去拜訪 藝術家 、畫家們的 庭園 、工作室 ,若是能夠與 主人 聊上一會兒 、交流一下,那也是很 令人開心的 encountering , isn't it?
In the past year or two, I have traveled through the mountains and forests of Miaoli county in central Taiwan silnad, looking for cultural and creative art - manoir cafes, characteristic courtyards, and cultural and creative art space garden cafes composed of container buildings. I have also visited the gardens and studios of artists and painters or crafts. If I can chat with the owners, It's a very pleasant encounter to have some exchanges for a while, isn't it?
而 談到 老 建築 、 歷史建築 街道, 全台 密度 最高 、 分布最廣 的地方 ~ 怎麼能 夠不令人 想到 ... 小可 第二個故鄉 -- 台南呢 ?
When talking about old buildings and historical buildings and streets, how can we not think of Tainan, the place with the highest density and widest distribution in Taiwan?... this is Micahel’s second hometown? ( bcz ... I had studied and lived in Tainan city for 4 years in University youth period )
Hello foreign friends , in the past 3 to 4 years bcz of the covid panoramic most country people could not travel abroad. In 2023 most countries re- open the custom door including Taiwan. If you come to Taiwan where will you go ? If friends like art , ancient building , historical street with contemporary design new element culture style here I will recommend and introduce the ancient , historical city in southern Taiwan , TaiNan City. from the perspective view of design & art creation to guide to explore the enthusiastic , hot and fun city.
未完 ~ to be continued ^^
~~ 延伸閱讀 ~~
訪 SAI 境 很棒的一次水彩寫生 『 苗栗 南庄 ~ 七層瀑布 』 ( <=)
magic Link -- 創造 藝術 神奇的連結 (<= )
實踐 雙軌社會價值理想 ~ 2016年 開始第二軌 繪畫推廣教學 ... 點燃 繪畫藝術的火苗 (<= 2016年起 開始繪畫藝術 教學工作 ^^ )
2022 跟著畫獅 去微旅行 : 從三義 到 苑裡的一條 藝術走廊 ( <=)