Work name : Shan Ho Yuan ~ Taiwan traditional building in the yellow rice field 2014
Size :30 M,Oil , completed in Nov. 27th 2014
Building represent culture , people 's life style and sometimes integrated into a place people 's believing and spirit region.
Shan Ho Yuan building is the traditional Taiwan building style for hundreds years since Ming Dynasty.
This kind of building was based on Ancient Chinese 『 Fong Shei theory 』to build and Chinese society esteem " Family" centered culture 、and respect Lao Zhe 's " Dao". So this kind of traditional building in Taiwan will touch our people's deep soul because there is a lot of images and memories of growing up process that shape our common mind and soul memories. But now because Taiwan society has changed from farming society to nowadays industrial society gradually this kind of farm society buildings in Taiwan were abandoned and knocked down to re build new style contemporary buildings.
I grew up in this kind of building ( the above oil painting was built by my father in 1970) so I have deep emotional feeling in the old building ( though now we don't live there and rent it to other people. )
And I have drew our Shan-Ho-Yuan building for several times since I started to study painting since 2012 . Next I will introduce them.
1st time pencil in 2012 by imagination
2nd time color pencil in 2012 by imagination
3rd time : water colors by imagination in 2012
『 Xi De Zhin 』 , a Taiwan great artist
Xi De Zhin is one of my favorite and respectable artist in Taiwan. As I was a junior high school student I was touched by his amazing watercolors painting to paint the traditional Taiwan building Shan Ho Yuan. And he emphasized being an artist has to paint our " root". And the Shan Ho Yaun building can represent Taiwan people's spiritual living. He had painted a lot of Shan Ho Yuan buildings.
( His great watercolors works will be added soon)
Theme 『 Painting as quick as thunder 』
~ mentioned in Van Gogh 's letter to his brother Theo Van Gogh
Impressionism is my favorite ism in art 's studying and creation. And I study and major in Impressionism air' color , light and shadow theory , painting method and skills with my Oil painting teacher Ro. And among the Impressionism master artists I esteem Monet as my majority learning roll - model.
During October 11th to November 29th in 2014 I had studied and read a book that was Vincent Van Gogh 's letters collection ( translating book). I was deeply touched , encouraged and inspired by Van Gogh 's spirit , stories and some important message words inside his letters to his brother Theo Van Gogh.
In one letter Van Gogh mentioned that he was interested in studying one amazing painting skills.
The amazing skill he practiced was that ... he wrote in the letter
『 To paint quickly ~ as quick as thunder ~ using that kind of speed to complete a painting. 』
I was amazed and inspired by Van Gogh 's this words. And I also wanna study and test this painting skills. And next photo was that I used 1.5 ~2 hour to test the skill mentioned in Van Gogh 's letter. This is a very great testing experience.
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to paint to this status took me about 1.5 hours ~ 2 hours |
再讀完梵谷的這段 重要文字之後 ,在11月的時候 ,在畫完 一大片豐收的稻田 台中 后里 土城 的油畫寫生之後 ~ 有一天的早上 ,原本要拿著這一個30M 大的畫布,想要去畫 台中 大雅 陽明國小旁的一間三合院建築 ,
( 2014年 畫展時~ 巧遇一位國中同學 他向我詢問 畫一幅 How much ? 這件事情一直擱著 ~ 心想...秋天稻田豐收的時候~ 在去幫他畫他們家的三合院祖厝 註: 2015年三月七日下午 在下扛著畫架 ,去畫這位同屆同學 他們家的三合院古厝 see => 點燃印象派之火 2015 之 台中 大雅 陽明國小旁 張家古厝 <= To paint as quick as thunder 第二集 )
結果 ,在走回家的半路上 ,看見自己舊家三合院在陽光下 稻田顏色非常美麗 ,心想 ... 怎麼沒有先畫自己舊家的三合院呢? 當下決定~ 那就先畫自己 這棟 1970年父親建造的 傳統閩南建築三合院吧 !
而 歷經 2014年 11月 畫過 Taichung City Park 、 后里 土城 一大片豐收的稻田 、與 彰化 鹿港 龍山寺 50F 油畫寫生之後 , 此時 心中想到的是 ...
梵谷 在寫給他弟弟信中 的那段文字 ~
『 畫~ 用像快如閃電般的速度 去完成一幅畫 』
所以~ 在立好畫架 、備妥一切原料 ,拿起一把油畫畫筆之後 ~ 沒有打底稿 ~
直接調色 ~ 一邊側量 ~ 一邊調顏料上色 ~ 迅速的一筆一筆的畫 ~
大約花了 將近兩個小時的時間 ~ 如上圖 ~
這一幅油畫主要是以 印象派祖師 莫內 提出之 空氣粒子 光影理論 與 技法 ~ 來畫 東方 亞洲 台灣 我們這裡的 三合院建築 與 秋冬 豐收的稻田 顏色 ,
而會畫過程 與 快速去畫 之概念~ 是啟發至 梵谷 寫給他弟弟西奧梵谷 一封信中所提到 『 快速完成一幅油畫 』~ 進而興起仿效 與 實驗 與 體驗 ....
What is Van Gogh mentioned in one letter ~
『 To paint quickly ~ as quick as thunder ~ using that kind of speed to complete a painting. 』
莫內 的畫風 ~ 細膩 、疊層層次多層 ,著重於描繪 空氣 、光 和 影 ~
是印象畫派中 風景畫 以莫內為首 !
梵谷 的畫風 ~ 律動的筆觸 與 風格強烈色彩 ~ 充滿生命力 、能激勵 感動 人心
而梵谷 當時已經知道...莫內 在印象派風景路線方面已經 為世人探索到淋漓盡致 ,
所以 梵谷 ~ 努力的方向 著重在 印象 人物 色彩 與 如何運用智慧 創造力 予以詮釋這方向,
也因為這樣 + 他本身的故事性 ~ 更讓他的畫作 ~ 為全世界所傳頌 !
以此幅畫作 ~
May God ~ Bless this Shan Ho Yuan building.
延伸閱讀 ~
探索 抽象現代藝術 無限可能與創造之 no. 0 (<= 2021 - 2022 探索 與 研究抽象 )
『 莫內對於世界藝術的貢獻 :就像微積分的發明者...對於數學與物理等科學產生巨大影響力一樣 』 (<=)
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油畫寫生 台中中山公園 2014年 (<= 點燃印象派之火 系列 )